Walking the Hindu Way: My Evolution on the Spiritual Journey

Steps on the path to inner wisdom

In this article, I will share five tips based on my personal experiences and the wisdom I’ve gained from my spiritual journey in Hinduism. While I continue to explore and expand my understanding, I would like to share this knowledge with those who are starting their own spiritual journeys. Join me in embracing this stage with an open mind and a sense of wonder as we learn and grow together.

1. Childhood Devotion

I was born in India, where my upbringing was a blend of spiritual devotion and practicality. My mother was deeply religious, while my father had a sincere and genuine interest in our spiritual traditions. Due to his busy schedule, he didn’t have much time for daily religious rituals. However, we lived together peacefully as a family, valuing the presence of our parents, siblings, and grandmother.

During my childhood, I had the privilege of observing my mother’s sincere devotion through her regular rituals. She never forced these spiritual practices on me, letting me choose my own path. However, the deep positive vibes and sacred atmosphere in our family home naturally fascinated my young heart and sparked my curiosity.

The spiritual essence of my upbringing.

2. Navigating Distractions

After entering adulthood, I got married and moved to another country, a path many people take. Before moving abroad, I was fortunate to live with my in-laws for a considerable time. During this period, I gained valuable insights into Hinduism through the stories shared by my mother-in-law. After settling abroad, I faced challenging times, just like everyone else, which led me to seek various distractions. Engaging in activities such as online courses, painting, and swimming provided temporary relief and new knowledge, but they didn’t offer a long-term solution to the ongoing feeling of depression.

Lessons from in-laws: A glimpse into Hinduism.

3. Discovering Kandha Sasti Kavasam

However, through divine grace, I discovered the transformative power of “Kandha Sasti Kavasam.” This prayer, dedicated to Lord Murugan, is believed to invoke His blessings and ensure success in life. Regularly chanting this prayer is thought to help overcome life’s obstacles, serving as a spiritual shield that brings safety and good fortune. By some fortunate chance, I started reading it and felt encouraged by the newfound spiritual connection it brought, which led me to explore other spiritual books. This practice significantly improved my mental well-being and shifted my outlook towards positivity.

Kandha Sasti Kavasam: Shifting towards positivity.

4. Divine Presence

In my personal and transformative journey, I’ve learned that spirituality develops gradually. Guided by a higher power, I now strongly sense a spiritual energy that surrounds us, providing a sense of protection and evoking the powerful positive energy I felt in my childhood home. Even just 10 minutes of dedicated spiritual practice can have a significant impact. While I am still at the early stages of my spiritual path and far from being an expert, I confidently feel the presence of God’s protection. Fully dedicating ourselves to our spiritual journey has the potential to bring even more joy into our lives.

Embracing the spiritual journey.

5. Healthy Habits

As part of my spiritual journey, I have consciously adopted healthier habits. I wake up early in the morning, engage in regular reading, practice self-care, and strive to maintain a positive outlook. Additionally, I’ve started including mindfulness practices, embracing a slower pace of living, and including yoga and meditation into my routine as well. While I’m not perfect, I’m making an effort.

In the beginning, I was engaging in spiritual practices without much interest, but I continued doing them. I wasn’t sure why I kept at it even when my enthusiasm was low. Sometimes, I even took breaks from practices like reading ‘Kanda Sasti Kavasam’ for a few days. However, after those breaks, I found myself feeling the urge to start reading and practicing again. I believe it was by God’s grace that I was able to continue these spiritual practices, and gradually, they started becoming more meaningful and a fundamental part of my life.

Discovering grace in daily life.

To conclude, through sharing my positive experiences on this spiritual journey, I want to highlight that I’m still at the beginning of my path and do not claim expertise. However, I hope that my personal insights and the transformations I’ve experienced will inspire others on their own spiritual journeys, encouraging them to explore the profound possibilities of a deeper connection with spirituality.

Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.


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