The Ultimate Guide: 5 Tips for Next-Level Home Cleaning

Clarity in our surroundings often leads to clarity in our thoughts

I’ve been watching some YouTubers and picked up a few handy cleaning tips. Honestly, I never liked cleaning, but these tricks have made it easier. One big thing I learned. If I clean a little bit regularly, it’s way less overwhelming than facing a huge mess. Messes don’t happen overnight they build up. So, a bit of regular tidying can save a lot of time and stress. Let’s get into these tips.

1. Natural Fragrance

Constantly spraying room fresheners, in my opinion, is similar to covering up a problem rather than solving it. I believe the first step should always be to find and eliminate the source of the bad smell, which could be due to various reasons like dampness, leftover food, or other hidden issues. Instead of using room fresheners, I prefer natural and lasting solutions to keep my space fresh. For me, fresh flowers in a vase or house plants are excellent choices. They not only help in keeping my room smelling good but also contribute to its aesthetic appeal.

2. Counter Care

It’s essential for me to keep the kitchen countertop clean, not just for aesthetics but because it's crucial for a functional cooking space. I make it a habit to clean up dishes and clutter as soon as possible. Sometimes, I notice that spills on the countertop can be hard to clean if left for too long, which is another reason I try to clean them promptly. Since my kitchen is small, staying organized is important to me. Keeping everything in order helps make even a small space feel open and comfortable, enhancing my enjoyment of cooking.

3. Layered Cleaning

When cleaning, it’s always a good idea to start from the top and work your way down. I always clean from top to bottom. I've found that if I start at the bottom and then tackle the top, the dust and dirt from above just falls down, forcing me to clean the bottom again. It feels like doing double the work. Also, when I use liquid cleaners, they can drip down. If I’ve already cleaned the lower areas, these drips can leave streaks. That’s why I start at the top; any drips that occur get wiped away when I clean the lower sections. For me, it’s not just about avoiding extra work, it’s also about preventing annoying drip marks. By always cleaning from top to bottom, I save time and effort. It’s just a smarter way to clean, in my experience.

4. Cream Care

Have you ever noticed lotion or some other cream dripping from the nozzle? It’s usually because it hasn’t been cleaned up properly. I’ve made this mistake many times, especially when I don't clean the nozzle right away, leading to clogs. I used to ignore this, but now I make sure to wipe away any residue immediately. This prevents the product from being wasted. If left to dry, the residue makes it harder to use the lotion next time and can even change its texture. So, especially with expensive creams, I keep the nozzle clean to ensure I'm getting the full value of the product.

5. Efficient Washing

I used to try and fit just one more shirt or pair of jeans into the washing machine, thinking I was being efficient. But I learned that when I pack it too full, the clothes can’t move around enough to get properly cleaned. The detergent doesn’t spread out evenly either. This means some clothes might have too much soap, while others aren’t cleaned enough. Another thing I noticed is that an overloaded machine doesn’t spin as well. Clothes come out feeling damper, which means they take longer to dry. In the end, it’s just smarter not to overload. It’s better for both the clothes and the machine.

I may not be an expert in cleaning or organizing, but I believe that these small habits can lead to significant progress in the long run. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well, and if you have any additional tips or insights, please feel free to share them.

Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.


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