Journey to Self-Improvement: Five Keys to a Fulfilled Life

Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it." - Charles R. Swindoll

Begin your transformation with this article, inspired by '7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness, and Fulfilment,' a book that offers profound insights into achieving a fulfilling life. Join us on a journey of discovery and personal growth. Please click on the link below for book details.


1. Learned Behaviors

The phrase "what we do is what we get" means our actions determine what happens to us. It suggests that our choices and efforts directly impact the outcomes we experience. If we make good decisions and work hard, we're likely to succeed. But if we neglect our responsibilities or make bad choices, we'll probably face negative consequences. It's about how our actions shape our lives and what we achieve or fail to achieve.

I have observed that one of my friend's mothers frequently tells her mother-in-law that she doesn't like her husband, implying that she favors only her husband's brother. Often, I notice my friend saying similar things to her own mother, suggesting, "You don't like me; you always prefer your other children. I understand that my friend's way of talking to her mother mirrors the way she communicates with her mother-in-law, which she observed as a child.

In summary, our behaviors are often influenced by what we observe in our upbringing. By recognizing this influence, we can work towards fostering healthier communication patterns and relationships.

 2. Mistake Reflection

Taking responsibility for our mistakes is crucial for growing as individuals. It means admitting when we're wrong, learning from our errors, and making sure they don't happen again. This helps us become more self-aware, resilient, and accountable, improving ourselves and our relationships.

When I was young, my grandmother was bedridden for a while, but I didn't take care of her whenever she called me for help. Similarly, I made the same mistake with my dad when he was bedridden. I didn't take care of him whenever he called me for help. Both of them passed away, and I felt guilty. However, the third time, my son was a disabled boy, but this time I took care of him very well. In return, he showed me so much love. So, I believe at least I had done something better with my son. I learned from my mistake.

In conclusion, acknowledging mistakes, learning from them, and taking responsibility leads to personal growth and stronger relationships.

 3. Present Focus

The present moment is within our control, offering us the opportunity to shape our lives through our actions and decisions. By focusing our best efforts on the present, we harness the power to create positive outcomes and fulfill our potential. Each moment presents a chance to work towards our goals, cultivate meaningful relationships, and make a difference in the world. Embracing the present with dedication and determination enables us to seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and live a fulfilling life.

I started writing on Medium a few months ago and also created my own blog. I don't check my views, reads, or statistics. For now, I'm focusing on my writing. I believe that if my content is good, then I will get good results. Instead of worrying about the statistics, let's focus on improving my writing. It might take a while to achieve success, but let's be patient.

Focus on the present, prioritize improvement, and success will follow in due time.

 4. Transformational Inspiration

When we're not inspired, even good deeds can feel dull. Inspiration fuels our motivation, making tasks meaningful. Without it, even important activities seem boring. To fix this, we need to find inspiration again, whether through self-reflection or trying new things. Reconnecting with what inspires us brings back passion and energy.

A few months ago, we went on a family trip. I noticed my nephew conscientiously placing his chair back at the dining table after meals. Inspired by him, I started doing the same after eating, putting my chair back at the restaurant.

Inspiration transforms the ordinary. By valuing simple acts, we discover motivation and purpose in our daily tasks. Let's remain receptive to inspiration in every guise.

 5. Overcome Laziness

Even when we know what's good for us and what we need to do to succeed, we sometimes choose not to do it because we feel lazy. This happens because, deep down, we often prefer feeling comfortable and avoiding hard work, even though we understand that putting in the effort is better for us in the long run. This laziness can stop us from reaching our goals because we choose immediate comfort over the future benefits we know we could achieve by working hard.

I started waking up early to do yoga and meditation. At first, it was boring. But as time went on, it made me feel a lot better. Now, I don't like waking up late at all. Even though it was hard to start, I'm really seeing the benefits now.

Overcoming initial resistance leads to lasting rewards. Push past comfort for a better future.


In conclusion, even though I'm not an expert in personal growth, these lessons have greatly impacted my journey. By recognizing our flaws and embracing growth, we can lead a fulfilling life. Let's continue applying these lessons, taking steps towards self-improvement and discovery.


Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.






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