Experience Empowerment: 5 Insights For A Meaningful Life

Let positivity guide your steps towards a brighter tomorrow.

Embark on a journey through transformative insights inspired by Swami Mukundananda's '7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment.' Learn how these principles shape a fulfilling life. For further details on the book, please click the link below.

7 Mindsets for Success, Happiness and Fulfilment by Swami Mukundananda

 1. Positive transformation

When we regularly practice positive emotions like happiness, thankfulness, and kindness, these good feelings start to become a natural part of who we are. Our brains get used to thinking and acting positively, making it easier for us to feel good and spread positivity to others over time.

 I started reading a religious scripture a few months ago, suggested by my mother. Initially, it was boring, but I kept reading for my mother, and gradually, I began to see a positive change in myself because the book contains many life lessons. I dedicate the early morning hours to reading. It has also taught me patience, gratitude towards my mother, and helped me develop some good qualities after reading it for a while now.

2. Generous spirit

If someone doesn't share when they have little, it might mean they're selfish. This selfishness might stay with them even if they become rich. But if someone shares when they have little, it shows they're naturally generous. They'll probably keep being generous even if they have more. Basically, how we share shows what kind of people we are, no matter how much we have.

 I had a friend whose mother always helped her family members and treated them nicely. Some of her family members weren't financially well-off, so my friend mentioned that when they made sweets or snacks, they would offer them in return. This meant that even when they couldn't help financially, they still found ways to reciprocate in simple ways.

 3. Overlooking blessings

We often don't realize how lucky we are until something is taken away. It's easy to forget about the good things in our lives, assuming they'll always be there. But when we lose something valuable, we begin to see its true worth. This reminds us to appreciate what we have while we still have it.

When I was 20 years old, my dad passed away. He had been bedridden for a while, and I didn't take care of him properly when he called me for help. I thought he would be fine after a while, but unfortunately, he passed away, leaving me with guilt. I didn't fully understand my dad's love when he was with me. Even now, after his passing, I find myself constantly thinking about his memories.

 4. Divine Blessings

Our pride can make us blind to the many blessings God gives us. When we're too focused on ourselves, we miss out on the countless gifts around us. We might think we achieve everything on our own, forgetting the help and grace we receive. But by being humble and thankful, we can see and appreciate all the good things in our lives that come from God.

 In my 20s, studying for my master's degree and living in a hostel, one dark Sunday evening around 9 to 10 pm, I accidentally got off at the previous bus stop, one stop away from my college. Initially planning to walk back alone, the college security guard offered to accompany me back. This unexpected help on a quiet Sunday night, when security guards were typically off duty, made me consider the possibility that God or some higher power helped me, possibly shaped by my mother's devotion.

 5. Problem-Solving

Positive thinkers focus on fixing problems instead of worrying about them. They look for ways to make things better, which helps them deal with challenges more easily. This positive attitude makes them happier and more able to overcome difficulties, and it can also encourage others to do the same.

My friend told me about her uncle who needed funds for surgery due to a health issue. With contributions from family members, he collected a decent amount. Sadly, he passed away the day before the scheduled surgery. However, the collected funds were used for his funeral expenses, which proved helpful for the financially struggling family.


While I may not claim expertise, these lessons have profoundly influenced my personal growth. I look forward to your feedback and the opportunity to continue our journey of learning and growth together.


Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.




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