Efficient Cooking: 5 Hacks to Save Time in the Kitchen

Transform your kitchen routine with a few simple time-saving hacks.

Discover five quick and efficient kitchen hacks that save you time and streamline your cooking process. From speedy cleanups to smart preparation tips, these practical strategies will transform your culinary routine and make meal prep a breeze!

1. Quick Cleanup

To save time in the kitchen, I keep a small plastic bag for collecting vegetable waste such as peels and scraps. Having the plastic bag nearby allows me to quickly discard unwanted parts while cooking, reducing the need for multiple trips to the main trash can. This method keeps my workspace tidy and efficient, enabling me to focus more on meal preparation and less on cleanup. Once I finish my cooking, I can easily transfer the waste to the general waste bin, streamlining the entire process and saving valuable time.

2. Frozen Prep

I usually buy fresh vegetables, chop them, and store them in the freezer. This method saves a lot of time while cooking, especially for larger vegetables like eggplant and cabbage that can't be finished in a single meal. By having pre-chopped, frozen vegetables on hand, I can quickly add them to my dishes, making meal preparation faster and more efficient. This approach not only helps in managing portion sizes but also ensures that I always have a variety of vegetables ready to use, streamlining my cooking process.

3. Efficient Prep

I keep all my kitchen tools, like knives and scissors, sharp to save time while cooking. Using blunt tools can significantly slow down the chopping process, making meal preparation more time-consuming and less efficient. Sharp tools ensure clean, quick cuts and reduce the effort needed to chop vegetables and other ingredients, thereby streamlining my cooking routine and enhancing overall kitchen efficiency.

4. Simmer Strategy

I start cooking the recipes that need to simmer or cook on medium heat first, as they take longer to cook. For example, when I cook beans, cabbage, or other vegetable fries, I leave them to simmer. While they are cooking, I prepare the lentils or other gravies, which take less time to cook. This approach allows me to utilize the cooking time efficiently, ensuring that all components of the meal are ready simultaneously, saving overall cooking time and making the process more streamlined.

5. Cover Cooking

While cooking, I cover the pot with a lid to make the vegetables cook faster. Using a lid traps heat and steam inside, which speeds up the cooking process and helps the vegetables cook evenly. This method not only saves time but also enhances the flavors, resulting in tastier dishes. By covering the pot, I ensure a more efficient and effective cooking process.


I'm not an expert in time management, but these small tips help streamline my kitchen routine. I'll share more time-saving hacks for daily chores in my upcoming article, so stay tuned. Your feedback is always welcome!


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