5 Valuable Life Lessons from the Wisdom of Hinduism

Divine Life Principles

In this article, I'll discuss five valuable tips I've learned from the book about Prince Dhruva, authored by Gauranga Darshan Das. While I'm not an expert, I believe we can all grow together by focusing on these five lessons, which I've found particularly helpful. The book offers a wealth of wisdom, but I'll narrow it down to these five key insights. Please click the link below for more information about the book and the author.

Dhruva: Relationship & Success Sutras from the Story of a Celebrated Prince

Gauranga Darshan Das

1. Speak Kindly

Words can either help or hurt relationships. Using kind and caring words fosters stronger connections. However, being mean with words can cause pain. To have good relationships, be nice, listen, and be honest. Be careful with what you say and apologize if you hurt someone. In short, words can build or break relationships, so use them kindly.

A few months ago, when a family member of mine passed away, I was going through a difficult time. During this period, some of my friends reached out to me. They understood my need for space to grieve and told me to call them whenever I felt ready. After some time, when I began feeling a bit better, I reached out to them. Talking with them, who were so kind and empathetic, significantly helped me. This experience showed me how powerful and healing thoughtful words and understanding can be in strengthening relationships, especially in times of sorrow.

2. Future Decisions

Temptations feel good right away but can cause big problems later. It’s important to think about the future and not just what feels good now. Making smart choices helps you have a better life in the long term.

When I began meditating, sitting still even for a few minutes was quite uncomfortable. Despite this, I kept at it and now can meditate for at least 20 minutes. The journey remains challenging, but the improvements are clear. My focus has sharpened, and my mind is less occupied by unnecessary thoughts. Although I’m not yet proficient in meditation, I feel significantly better than when I started. This progress confirms that the positive impact on my mental well-being is worth the initial challenges of starting the practice.

3. Positive Guidance

Treating young people with love and kindness positively shapes their thinking and growth. A nurturing environment boosts their confidence and sense of security, fostering happiness and a positive outlook on life. Caring interactions are essential for their overall success.

My mother is a deeply spiritual person, and her practices have been a major influence in my life. In the mornings, I wake up to the sound of spiritual music playing in our home. Every night before sleeping, she always reminds me to say a prayer. This daily routine of prayer and music, instilled by my mother, has been the inspiration behind my own journey into spirituality. I now deeply understand the profound importance of inspiration, especially when it's lovingly instilled in us by those we hold dear.

4. Selfless Fairness

Thinking too highly of oneself and believing in one’s own goodness can make a person blind and unkind to innocent people. It’s important to stay humble, showing empathy and self-awareness to prevent this behavior and promote fairness in our interactions with others.

One of my friends has a sister who married a man already a father from a previous marriage. After the wedding, she often found fault with her stepchild, regularly expressing complaints and criticisms. This negative attitude created tension in the family. Consequently, the child ended up living in a hostel, as the father believed it would be a more suitable environment than staying with a stepmother who lacked understanding and empathy. This example highlights that Empathy and acceptance are vital in blended families, as they foster harmony and help integrate members from previous relationships.

5. Embracing Gratitude

When we desire what others have, we forget to appreciate what we have. So, be careful of this feeling, as it can make us unhappy. Instead, we should value the good things in our own lives. Being grateful for what we have can make us feel more content and satisfied. In short, watch out for desire, as it can make us forget our own blessings.

I chose not to pursue a career because my son's health requires my constant attention. Initially, I often felt envious of my friends, who were working mothers. However, I've come to realize that my son is my top priority, and I've decided not to compare my life with others. I've noticed how happy my son becomes when I'm around to play and spend time with him. His joy brings me immense happiness and a sense of fulfillment. This journey has taught me the value of embracing my unique circumstances and finding contentment in the love and happiness of my child.

In summary, the lessons from Prince Dhruva’s story, as shared by Gauranga Darshan Das, offer valuable advice for a better life. By following these teachings, we can make our lives happier and more fulfilling while nurturing meaningful connections with others.

Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.


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