Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." - Benjamin Franklin

Join me on a journey into the world of early mornings and the art of waking up gracefully. I'll share techniques and experiences inspired by 'The Miracle Morning' by Hal Elrod. Discover how to start your day with purpose and vitality. For book details, click below.

1. Gentle Rise

Gradual adjustment is a technique I find really effective for waking up early. Instead of a sudden, significant change to my wake-up time, I prefer to take it slow, waking up just 5 minutes earlier every few days. This method helps my body to adapt more comfortably to an earlier schedule. By slowly shifting my waking time, I avoid the discomfort of waking up much earlier than usual. Consistency is crucial for me in this process. With patience and persistence, I've gradually found myself able to wake up earlier more smoothly, enjoying the benefits of an early start to my day.

2. Morning Gratitude

In the early morning, when I wake up, the first step I take is to express gratitude. This is deeply meaningful to me because it reminds me of a sad moment when a family member passed away in their sleep.

This memory always makes me realize how delicate life is and how precious each new day can be. So, every morning, I thank God for giving me another day, and it fills my day with a sense of respect, clarity, and a deep sense of well-being that comes from the depths of my soul.

3. Morning Hydration

After my gratitude, my next step is to drink water to rehydrate my body and kickstart my day healthily. This morning routine has become a vital part of my daily life, and I believe that drinking water in the morning is like a gentle wake-up call for my body, providing the energy and hydration needed to face the day ahead.

4. Consistent Mornings

I maintain consistency with my wake-up time, even on weekends, because I understand the importance of a regular routine. However, there are exceptions, like when I get sick. During those times, I listen to my body's needs and allow myself to sleep in, as my health doesn't support an early wake-up. However, I've noticed that even a few days of sleeping late can make it challenging for me to return to my early wake-up routine. It tends to make me feel lazier about waking up early. This experience strengthens my belief that consistency is key, though I recognize that sick days are an understandable exception. Once I'm back to normal, I gradually transition back into my regular wake-up time to maintain that balance.

5. Morning Dedication

I remind myself to be patient and keep trying to wake up early, understanding that it may take time to adjust. I don't give up, staying committed even on the tough days. I've also noticed that even though I feel lazy on winter mornings, once I get up early, I actually feel more energized. This realization has strengthened my practice of early wake-ups. In fact, it's become such a positive experience that the thought of waking up late doesn't even cross my mind anymore. The energy and alertness I gain from rising early, especially during the colder months, truly make it worth the effort.

In conclusion, my journey into early mornings, inspired by 'The Miracle Morning' by Hal Elrod, has reshaped my mornings into moments of purpose and vitality. By incorporating these practices, I've discovered that the key to making every morning a true miracle lies in our commitment to embracing change and nurturing our well-being.

Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.


5 Refreshing morning activities for a positive start


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