5 Simple Yet Powerful Practices for Enhanced Life Quality

Practice mindfulness; being present is the greatest gift you can give to yourself

In this article, I’m sharing my thoughts on different topics that have made a difference in my life. I’m not claiming to be perfect, but these practices have significantly improved my internal and external feelings. The ideas I discuss here are inspired by the books I regularly read and the YouTubers I follow, to whom I owe a lot of credit for helping me change my life. Now, let’s delve into these points and explore how they can impact positively.

1. Posture Benefits

Maintaining good posture, such as keeping my back straight, is critical for many reasons. It makes me look taller and more confident, enhancing my self-assurance. It also benefits my long-term health. Good posture reduces stress and increases energy, which improves my focus and productivity.

At first, it was challenging to maintain, but I’ve gotten used to it and appreciate the benefits. While I sometimes catch myself slouching, especially when feeling lazy, I remind myself to sit up straight, boosting my confidence and energizing me all day.

2. Supportive Silence

I believe in the saying, ‘Speech is silver, silence is golden,’ especially when my friends share their problems with me. Sometimes, they talk about personal or family issues, and in these situations, responding appropriately is crucial because a careless response could potentially worsen their problems.

Therefore, I’ve decided to stay silent when uncertain of the right thing to say. Instead, I focus on being a good listener and offering kind words. Even though I might not have a solution to their problems, I understand they might need someone to hear them out. By choosing silence in a supportive way, I think I’m helping them by just being there and listening.

3. Slow Success

From my perspective, the saying ‘Going up slowly is better than going nowhere’ really resonates with me. For example, starting to wake up early in the morning was a big challenge, but I managed to overcome it. Now, I spend my morning writing, a peaceful time that helps me generate more ideas and focus.

To achieve success in anything it’s like the story of the hare and the tortoise; I have decided to aim to be like the tortoise. I believe I can eventually see significant progress and improvement with this approach.

4. Value Preservation

I strongly believe in caring for our belongings, which reflects gratitude and responsibility. Proper maintenance not only extends the lifespan of these items but also saves money and reduces the need for frequent replacements.

I once made the mistake of using silver polish on a copper bowl, leading to damage due to the copper peeling off. This error resulted from my hesitance to use the right cleaner, influenced by laziness. This experience taught me the importance of careful attention to even minor tasks, which helps save money and reduce waste. It’s a reminder that proper maintenance is essential, regardless of the item’s size.

5. Mindful Hobbies

I think it’s crucial to take time for self-care. This could be anything you enjoy, like painting, dancing, or singing. I had done an interior design course and learned about blogging. I also spend time reading, walking, and singing. It doesn’t matter to me if I’m doing these perfectly. What matters is that they make me happy and help with my depression.

I believe we should all try to do something we like, even if it’s just for 10 minutes a day. Based on my experience, this can make a positive difference in the long run. It’s important to follow your interests without worrying too much.

To conclude, Adopting these simple practices has significantly improved my well-being, contributing to personal growth and a better quality of life.

Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.


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