5 Reasons Spirituality Can Bring Positivity and Joy into Your Journey

Spirituality is the art of finding joy in the present moment, regardless of the circumstances.

This article is about how practicing spirituality has positively changed my life. I've been inspired by my family and spiritual YouTubers, and I'm truly grateful for the positive transformation. Let's explore these changes together.

1. Gratitude in Spiritual Practice

I've realized that by exploring spirituality, I'm learning to appreciate the little things in life. It feels like I'm finding hidden joys every day. This journey is teaching me to be grateful for everything, big and small, making my daily life happier. It's like seeing the world and myself in a brighter, more positive way.

When I was 20, my dad passed away, and since then, I've always felt that there was no one to replace him. I missed him so much. But now, I've come to realize that my mom has been there for me just like my dad, always providing support. She's a wonderful mother because she takes on the dual role of being both a mom and a dad. I can see the qualities of both my dad and mom in her.

In essence, my spiritual growth has led me to cherish life's small joys and appreciate my mom's strength after my dad's passing, bringing more positivity and gratitude into my life.

2. Finding Strength through Spirituality

I've found that my spirituality gives me a strong inner foundation. It has helped me become more resilient, especially during hard times. By meditating, being mindful, and thinking deeply about my spiritual beliefs, I've discovered a strong, steady source of support within myself. This inner strength guides me through life's challenges with calmness and resolve.

Initially, I started my blog with WordPress, but it was hard to use, so I was disappointed. Then, I found Medium, which was much easier. On Medium, I improved my writing by reading others' articles. Looking back, I believe it was God's grace that led me to Medium. This change helped me grow not just in my writing but also spiritually, reminding me that challenges often lead to better things.

3. Cultivating Commitment and Dedication

I've noticed that practicing spirituality has made me more dedicated and committed in general. By following regular spiritual routines, I've become more disciplined and focused. This has also helped me in other parts of my life, making me more dedicated to achieving my goals and fulfilling my responsibilities.

For instance, when I started meditation, it was quite challenging. But as I dedicated time to it every day, I began to see significant progress in myself. This improvement led me to explore other spiritual practices like yoga, reading Hindu scriptures, and chanting. My commitment to daily meditation paved the way for these new spiritual activities.

4. Practicing Kindness and Compassion

I've noticed that my spiritual journey is nurturing my empathy and compassion. As I deepen my self-reflection and spiritual understanding, I find myself treating others with increased care and understanding. This not only improves my relationships but also helps me contribute to a more compassionate society.

A few weeks ago, we visited a friend who had some flowers in a vase. Inspired by her, I decided to arrange some flowers in a vase as well. I found it quite delightful and took a picture to express my gratitude and share the inspiration with my friend.

5. Shifting Focus from Problems to Solutions

In my experience, spirituality has taught me to shift my perspective when facing problems. Instead of dwelling on the problem itself, I've learned to focus on finding solutions. This change in mindset comes from practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment, which allows me to approach challenges with a creative and positive outlook.

When I began writing on Medium and submitting my work to publications, I used to worry a lot about whether it would get published. But now, I've decided that if it doesn't get published, it's okay. I can make corrections and submit it again. This change in my mindset reflects how my spirituality has helped me become more accepting and resilient in the face of challenges.

While I'm not an expert in practicing spirituality, these small changes have made a significant difference in my well-being. Let's all grow together in positivity. Wishing you a happy journey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Your engagement till the end is truly appreciated. Until next time, stay well and keep learning.


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